Minggu, 15 Juli 2012

Wikileaks : Israel Tengah Mempersiapkan Perang Dunia ke-3

Stockholm - Swedia, Para hacker-hacker TOP Dunia yang PRO dan Membantu Wikileaks dalam Mengumpulkan Data-data Intelijen Israel Akhirnya Menemukan Fakta Yang Sangat Membuat Umat Manusia di Dunia harus Waspada.

ISI Data Tersebut :
'' Untuk Pentagon, kami Telah Siap Untuk Memulai Pecahnya Perang Dunia ke-3, Pertama Langkah kita untuk Memicunya adalah dengan Menyerang Iran, Kedua Memprovokasi Korut dan Korsel, Ketiga  Memprovokasi India dengan Pakistan,dan terakhir Kita Hancurkan Masjid AL-Aq'sha Lewat Bawah Tanah agar nanti bisa di bangun Haikal Sulaiman untuk di Tempati oleh Sang Juru Selamat kita si mata satu dalam rangka memerintah dunia dan Mempersiapkan diri dari Perlawanan Pasukan panji hitam yang nanti di pimpin oleh 2 orang yaitu Al-Mahdi dan Isa bin Maryam''.

'' For the Pentagon, we are ready to begin World War-3, First Steps we are to trigger it is by attacking Iran, Provoke Both : North and South Korea, Third : Provoking India with Pakistan, and last we destroy Masjid AL-Aq'sha Through the Underground that the future can get up to the Temple of Solomon occupied by our Saviour's eye in order to rule the world and of the Resistance forces Prepare a black banner that later led by two of the Al-Mahdi and Isa bin Maryam ''.


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Seikh Imran Nazar Hosein : If Russia and China respond to a Turkish military invasion of Syria by coming to the support of that country, that will eventually provoke the Malhama (great war) prophesied by Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam).

Since Russia will inevitably enter in the war in defense of Syria, the Turkish military invasion of that country will lead to yet another prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) being fulfilled, to wit: “that you (Muslims) will make an alliance with Rum (pronounced as ‘room’).” Rum in the Qur’an referred to the Eastern Christian Byzantine Empire. But after Constantinople was conquered in 1453, the capital city of Rum eventually became Moscow.

Jika RUSIA dan CHINA menanggapi invasi militer TURKI di SURIAH dukungan datang dari negara itu pada akhirnya akan memprovokasi Malhama Al Kubra ( PERANG BESAR ) dinubuatkan oleh Nabi Muhammad Saw.

RUSIA pasti akan masuk dalam perang untuk membela SURIAH saat ada invasi militer dari Negara TURKI. Nubuat Nabi Muhammad Saw. terpenuhi : "bahwa Anda (MUSLIM) akan membuat aliansi dengan BANGSA RUM. "RUM dalam Qur'an, merujuk pada Kekaisaran Bizantium KRISTEN TIMUR. Tapi setelah Konstantinopel ditaklukkan pada tahun 1453, IBU KOTA RUM akhirnya menjadi MOSKOW ( RUSIA ).

No. 1708 | FEBRUARY 6, 2008

Palestinian Cleric Issa Badwan: The Mahdi Was Born in Palestine Four Years...... Ago; Muslim Conquest of Rome Is Imminent

Following are excerpts from an interview with Palestinian cleric Issa Badwan, which aired on Al-Aqsa TV on February 6, 2008.

Issa Badwan: Someone who is well known and whom I trust - there is no need to mention his name - told me that four years ago, when he was driving his car, he saw an old woman, who stopped him and asked him to take her to hospital, so she could pick up her daughter, who had just given birth. He did her a favor and took her there, and waited for an hour at the entrance. The woman came out, with her daughter and grandson, and when they got into the car, the baby started talking, and said: "Peace and Allah's mercy upon you." They greeted him back.

Interviewer: The newborn baby?

Issa Badwan: Yes, the baby. The baby said... This is what the man told me, and we reported this to Sheik Nizar and to the Islamic Scholars Association... The newborn baby said: "I am the man who will be killed [sic] by the Antichrist, who will not rule over anyone again." According to the Prophet's hadith, this man [the Mahdi] would be 18-20 years old. These are good tidings.

Of course, the coming of the Antichrist will be preceded by the conquests of Rome in Italy, and Constantinople, like the Prophet told us. These places will be conquered only by the righteous Mahdi. The Mahdi is from Palestine, as conveyed by Mu'adh bin Jabal, Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas, and Abdullah bin Mas'ud, who were all great imams and scholars.

Interviewer: Is anyone following what�s going on with this child?

Issa Badwan: Yes, now his identity is known, and the brothers follow and take good care of him. I would like to convey to the people, as well as to the scholars, that these are times of victory, with the grace of Allah, that the promised Mahdi lives among us, that the people of Palestine will be the standard bearers, who will carry this religion forth and spread its guidance and light.

people, as well as to the scholars, that these are times of victory, with the grace of Allah, that the promised Mahdi lives among us, that the people of Palestine will be the standard bearers, who will carry this religion forth and spread its guidance and light.



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